Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sam and spike at the river - Next time I try to use gesso and pumice on watercolor paper I will know that I need to mount the paper on a hard surface before I start-I had a great deal of difficulty getting the pastel to stay on the surface (and it made a great deal of dust while I worked)due to the fact that the surface was not flat and very rough-so before I used up all my Rembrants I decided to start over. I also needed a better drawing of Sam and Spike-the last one was never correct and drove me crazy!-SO armed with all I learned from the first attempt, I started another painting on Wallis 30X 24 -Did a gouache underpainting and now I am working in Rembrandts to lay down the basic background. Had to quit early this week to pick up Connor-yes you may feel guilty Kim- so to be continued!!!

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